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Indy Myopain Relief Center

Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy Clinic
Eliminates pain and restores function!
Got pain? Trigger Point Therapy Works!

Steve Maschmeyer recent photo

"Myofascial trigger points are unbelievably common yet commonly overlooked."

— David G. Simons, MD Pioneer, researcher and leading expert in the field of pain management.

What is Indy Myopain Relief Center?

Indy Myopain Relief Center is a Carmel Indiana-based clinic run by Steve Maschmeyer, CMTPT, LMT, MS.

I have treated over 1,300 patients.  Performed more than 6,200 hours of therapy.  My success rate is 85%.  I have helped athletes' recovery faster from injury and perform better in their sport.  My therapies will prevent injuries when treated regularly.


We treat all types of muscle problems: muscle weakness (over-use syndrome), pain, scar pain, trauma, and trigger points. Most of our clients are medical professionals. We don't just manage pain; we cure it for good. Trigger Point Therapy is the best and fastest way to get rid of pain and restore muscle function. We can change your pain outlook for the better.


Don't delay, book a session now and enjoy a pain-free life!

Some of the conditions treated:

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Get to Know Us

Indy Myopain Relief Center is a pain clinic that aims to end pain for good. We address pain and muscle dysfunction, using Trigger Point Therapy protocols that were originally developed by Doctors Janet Travell and David Simons. We help you reduce your reliance on pain medication and avoid or postpone the need for surgery. Whether you suffer from Plantar Fasciitis, Back Pain, Headaches, Shoulder, Neck, Arm, Hand, Hip, Leg, Knee or Foot pain, we treat them and will help you achieve lasting pain relief.

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How We Work.

Indy Myopain Relief Center specializes in Myofascial Trigger Point Muscle Activation Therapy (MTP-MAT), Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy, and Frequency Specific Micrcurrent.
Myofascial Trigger Point Muscle Activation Therapy (MTPT) is a type of massage therapy that solves problems by using safe movement techniques, as well as teaching about pain neuroscience, neuromuscular therapy, myofascial trigger point therapy, extracorporeal shockwave therapy and frequency specific microcurrent. The main goal is to relieve pain in all its forms and to restore full function. 

Why Choose US?

Myofascial Trigger Point Muscle Activation Therapists work to enhance the outcomes of medical practitioners and specific conditions in at least three ways:



​MINIMALLY INVASIVE: Our services are drug-free and cost-effective. We identify the myofascial trigger points in your body that are the source of your pain and/or muscle dysfunction. When our treatment relieves your pain or symptoms, then you do not need further surgical, medicinal or testing interventions.



​POST-SURGERY RECOVERY: Myofascial trigger point muscle activation therapy can be a post-surgery support tool to facilitate quick healing, fascial health and full range of motion and strength without pain.



​FUNCTIONALITY WITHOUT PAIN: Regular myofascial trigger point muscle activation therapy,  can help you attain a high level of functionality without pain, allowing you to perform high levels of exercise.



In simple terms: If you experience pain, there is an 85% chance it is from muscular or soft tissue origin and can be resolved rapidly and without medication, surgery or months of physical therapy.

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Physicians, Surgeons, Dentists,
Healthcare Professionals

According to three renowned doctors: Janet Travell, David Simons and Robert Gerwin, most of a patient's pain (85%) comes from muscles and soft tissue. And most of the time (90%), this pain is caused by trigger points, not pinched nerves or inflammation. When physical therapy and anti-inflammatory drugs do not work to solve the problems in the short or long term, our methods solve pain and muscle dysfunction in hours and days, not weeks and months. Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy is the quickest and most lasting way of relieving myofascial pain and dysfunction. We get rid of most migraine and tension headaches in minutes, then we teach the patient how to treat themselves before the headache becomes fully active. It is not surprising that 70% of our patients are from the healthcare system: Doctors, Nurses make up 70% of our clientele. We do not just treat the painful spot (knot). We treat the root cause of the painful spot! If you have patients who have unexplained pain anywhere in the body before or after surgery, then send them right away to Indy Myopain Relief Center for evaluation and treatment. Usually, we need 1 to 6 sessions to permanently solve the pain or dysfunction issues. Acute issues resolve fast, chronic issues need more sessions. Surgeries or oncology procedures that result in scar tissue pain can often be solved in one session.


Our Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy methods were created by MDs for MDs and all healthcare workers to quickly and completely solve pain of a myofascial origin. They wrote two medical textbooks (Myofascial Pain & Dysfunction for use by medical schools. The NIH has been studying our methods for years and there is a lot of literature supporting and explaining the mechanisms of our work. Indy Myopain Relief Centers is not massage, chiropractic, or physical therapy. We are nationally certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists. We are not physicians so you will NOT lose a patient, just keep a satisfied patient with a great outcome.

Schedule an Appointment

Indy Myopain Relief Center

10291 N Meridian St

STE 170

Carmel, IN 46290

Phone: 317.973.0888

Fax: 317.342.7910

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Appointments Times:

Mon - Fri: 10am - 8pm 

​​Saturday: 11am - 6pm ​

Sunday: Closed

No Walk-in appointments​

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