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Low Back Pain


I went to Indy Myopain because I fell off the stairs 4-5 years ago and every time I tried to do squats or use the leg press, my lower back would be killing me in pain. After few sessions with Steve, and following his recommendations, finally was able to get back to the gym and do squats and use the leg press without regretting after getting hurt. My lower back is finally feeling great again.
For those reasons, I fully recommend Indy Myopain to anyone who’s trying to get back to normal after an injury.

Claudia A.



Frozen Shoulder


The patient waited three months for the frozen shoulder to improve before consulting me.

“Steve, it’s much better. I can now raise my arm above my shoulder 😊! I'll stretch this week, and I’m sure another session will help.

Ben A, DDS 10-2024

(Frozen shoulders usually have three phases: 3 months of freezing, 3 months of being frozen, and 3 months of thawing. Myofascial Trigger Point therapy can resolve it in less than a month. Causes can include accidents, overuse, and diseases like viruses and bacteria.)


Indy Myopain referral I have a history of fibromyalgia and mild POTS. I have always been very active and athletic even with those symptoms by lifestyle choices and managing each day as it came. Then in 2022, I was in my 4th motor vehicle collision. The last three all being what I would consider minor low speed impacts two rear endings and one impact on the drivers side. My worse symptom after the last impact was moderate to severe neck pain. I didn’t take it as seriously as I should have. I went to the chiropractor a few times until it hurt more than helped; I received massage therapy, heat and ice; yoga; and OTC meds. I ran a mini marathon, participated in a sprint triathlon and trained and road in a century ride all while having this pain. Then about 3 months after the accident everything went south as if I suffered an acute injury. (Since then, I have learned this is not uncommon with car accidents.) I was in excruciating pain daily. Every morning when I woke up the only thing I could physically move was my neck. Once I moved my neck one arm would gain mobility and I would use that arm to manually articulate my other limbs until I was able to get out of bed. I still didn’t go to the doctor until I had drop foot and was unable to work. Following this episode, I went to 2 12 week rounds of physical therapy with different methods of therapy. (During this time, I also had COVID and post viral symptoms which caused me to lose progress.) I had injections, massage therapy, and started taking prescription medications as well as collagen.  Everything helped give me some improvement, but nothing was getting me back to a better baseline of function. Then, a friend referred me to Steve. I cannot even express how much his specialized therapy has helped me. I still need to have more sessions, but I have already improved my baseline activity level and decreased my need for medication to a point where I don’t need them every day. I wish I would have known about him sooner. I hope to return to my former level of activity, and I will be visiting him during that process. Elisabeth B 8-24

Improved posture & Wellbeing.

My mom has been getting treatments here for a little over two years, she recommended me to come every-time i’m home from college. And the difference each treatment has made on my mood, posture, pain relief as well as overall life quality as astronomical. My moms near lifelong chronic back pain has been reduced greatly throughout the two years. Changed our lives!

Eve Z


Steve is top diagnostician and therapist. He gets quick results.


John B 8-24

Thank You Steve

My recovery would be much tougher without you. 




My Right hand had Three Fingers number. After one treatment, only my thumb is number but better!
Mei L

Hip Pain gone after 30 years!

In just one treatment, me 30 years of hip pain was gone for 3 days.  Second treatment lasted even longer.  Looking forward to my next session.
NS, LMT 5-24

I have been suffering from back pain & migraines for most of my life. The past few months, my pain has been almost unbearable. Just to give you an idea, I must take Extra Strength Tylenol, Tylenol Arthritis & Ibuprofen EVEWRY SINGLE DAT JUST TO FUNCTION.SOMETIMES MY PAIN IS SO BAD, I HAVE TO TAKE 4 IBUPROFEN & 2 TYLENOL JUST TO BE ABLE TO GET OUT OF MY DOOR. I will be transparent & add that I have also been drinking to mask my pain. (Hence the fact that I now weight 200 lbs.) I have also been under Chiropractic care & Massage therapy for most of my adult life with some relief or temporary relief but never a permanent solution.  I reached out to Steve hoping for a deep tissue massage because my migraines & back pain have progressed so much that I was beginning to believe that this is just my new life. IN JUST TWO SESSIONS WITH STEVE, I AM ELATED TO ANNOUNCE THAT FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YEARS, I AM COMPLETELY PAIN FREE!! I have not had to take an Ibuprofen, Tylenol, or Tylenol Arthritis in 2 weeks! My sessions consisted of his Trigger Point Therapy work. I CAN NOT TELL YOU HOW INCREDIABLY GRATEFUL & ELATED I AM WITH HIS SERVICES! I still believe in Chiropractic care, but I no longer must go every week. The underlying issue to my knots, tight muscles & Back pain were addressed at my initial appointment and practically fixed that day. I walked away with a relief I can’t explain.  The 2nd appointment was to address my lower back pain and BOOM! LOWER BACK PAIN GONE.IN ONE SESION! ONE SESSION! My muscles and knots have almost practically released. I will probably never have to waste money on a massage again because Steve has taken away my pain through Trigger Point Therapy. I ‘d love to add that my daily headaches & migraines that my doctor blamed on my peri menopause & hormone changes are also GONE!!!!I CAN NOT RECOMMEND STEVE ENOUGH. 1 MILLION TIMES OVER & OVER IT’S A RESOUNDING YEST FOR ME.  Please make your appointment TODAY & let him know I referred you! You can thank me later.  Call Steve at: (317) 973.0888Yesterday was the 1st day I was able to wear heels an ENTIRE WORKDAY and I had ZERO BACK PAIN.  Thank you, Steve at Indy Myopain Relief CENTER.


Melissa D

Depression Lifted

  I feel my spine is much better.  I no longer feel depressed as my whole person is now comfortable.  Thank you for your treatment!


Nina S.

Steve pretty much saved my life. I’ve been having issues since February of last year and modern medicine could not provide me any answers after numerous tests and doctor visits, so I found Indy Myopain online and decided to give it a shot. I have been able to function so much better since I started seeing him in August and he has continued to help me to try to find the source of my issues. I highly recommend making an appointment if you have any muscle related issues.


- Michael S six months


Steve helped me greatly reduce my severe chronic migraines. I had gone to massage therapists for years and never got any substantial relief. I had a constant clicking in my neck, visual auras, brain fog, you name it. I won't say my symptoms are completely gone, but they are reduced so much that I feel so free and able to live life more happily. Best use of my time and money!!!

- Toni C 4 months ago


I came to Indy Myopain for a couple nagging, painful issues in my lower and upper back. The evaluation was very thorough and combined with the first treatment which is nice. Steve is very resourceful and a good communicator. He explained what was happening and how the treatments were aimed at correcting my issues. I recommend Steve.  My back is feeling better already!


Drew D Month ago

Steve is wonderful, my wife leaves every session so refreshed and relieved. She gets regular massages, but it does not compare to what session with Steve does in terms of relieving pain. Wonderful! cannot recommend enough to everyone.


Zhang Peng

-Nhat T, Visual Artist

I was lucky that Steve worked on my shoulder a few months ago, I had a tendon’s tear due to a fall . It was amazing experience as well as my problem has greatly improved.  I was very impressed that how knowledgeable, professional, and thoughtful was Steve. Myopain Relief staffs are very friendly and helpful! I am very grateful for their wonderful services!

CJ Pabla MD

Steven is awesome. His technique and therapy are the only things that helped my back. He is a miracle worker.  

Indy Myopain Relief Center

10291 N Meridian St

STE 170

Carmel, IN 46290

Phone: 317.973.0888

Fax: 317.342.7910

Make Appointment

Appointments Times:

Mon - Fri: 10am - 8pm 

​​Saturday: 11am - 6pm ​

Sunday: Closed

No Walk-in appointments​

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